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Information on the Processing of Personal Data

Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data Clarification Text

Clarification Text for the Processing of Personal Data

- This Clarification Text for the Processing of Personal Data (“Clarification Text”) is presented by Sanpet Petrochemical Joint Stock Company (“Company”) in its capacity as a data controller under the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“PDPL”), within the framework of the 10th article titled “Data Supervisor’s Obligation to Enlighten” and the 11th article titled “Rights of the Related Person” in the PDPL; to inform you about the purposes for which your personal data will be processed, to whom and for what purposes your processed personal data may be transferred, the method and legal reason of collecting your personal data, and your other rights listed in article 11 of the PDPL, and to obtain your consent on the matters below.


- We attach importance to protecting the confidentiality and security of your personal data that you provide to us. Accordingly, we take the necessary technical and administrative security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, harm, loss, or disclosure.

For What Purposes Do We Collect Your Data?


- The Company processes your personal data, which you have shared through its website and other channels stated in this clarification text, limited to the purposes specified in this clarification text.


- The explicit address of the Company is Balçık neighborhood, 3274.street, no:17/1 Gebze/Kocaeli. Tax Number: 744 110 3446. In terms of the PDPL, the Company operates in the capacity of “Data Controller.”


- When you visit the Company's website and/or share your personal data with the Company to be used within the scope of the processing purposes specified in this clarification text, you are deemed to have been informed about the provisions in this clarification text.


- The services we provide require the processing of personal and/or specially qualified personal data belonging to relevant individuals. In this context, the aforementioned personal data collected are processed within the framework of the relevant article of the PDPL.


-Your collected personal data will be processed by the Company in accordance with the basic principles prescribed by the Law and within the framework of personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in articles 5 and 6 of the Law, for the purposes listed below: [The specific purposes for processing the personal data would typically follow here, as they should be explicitly stated in the document for clear understanding and consent of the individuals concerned.

1- Introducing the goods and services offered by our company, recognizing members and enhancing communication, improving image, product, service, and communication, preparing and sending customized promotions/advertisements/campaigns and announcements, providing customers with a better shopping experience, conducting customer surveys, customer satisfaction practices and notifications, performing audits, data analysis, research, statistical studies, understanding trends, using in marketing and advertising services, and ensuring that activities within our other loyalty programs are conducted in accordance with relevant legislation,

2- Conducting necessary studies by our relevant business units for the realization of commercial activities carried out by the Company and carrying out related business processes,

3- Planning and execution of the Company's commercial and/or business strategies,

4- Ensuring the legal, technical, and commercial business security of the Company and related persons in a business relationship with the Company,

5- Fulfilling obligations undertaken in accordance with contracts we enter into as required by relevant legislative provisions, being able to fulfill our legal obligations, and exercising our rights arising from current legislation,

6- Providing information to public officials upon request and as required by legislation in matters related to public safety,


7- Being used as evidence in potential disputes.

- As a Company, acting as the Data Controller, primarily within the framework of our legal obligations arising from all relevant legislation, including but not limited to the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”), Consumer Protection Law No. 6502, Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, Law No. 5651 on Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications, Law No. 6563 on Regulation of Electronic Commerce, and related secondary legislation; for the purpose of enabling our customers to benefit from our services, should you share your personal data (name, surname, address, profession, education, marital status, place and date of birth, email, phone number, gender, identity, data approved for sharing by the user on social media platforms, navigation and click data on the application, location data when opening the application) with us, our company, with your explicit consent, may obtain, record, preserve, update to continue its services, reorganize, disclose to third parties to the extent and in circumstances permitted by legislation, transfer, transmit, share, and process in other ways permitted by laws by taking necessary administrative and technical measures.


How and Through Which Methods Do We Collect Your Personal Data?
- Personal data provided directly by you: All information and documents you transmit to us.


- Personal data collected about you from third parties: Information and documents collected from institutions and organizations or contracted vendors with whom the Company cooperates, Group Companies with which the Company has a legal or organic relationship, General Directorate of Security, Risk Center, etc., and other official institutions.


- Your personal data collected through cookies and similar technologies may be collected in compliance with the Law, via our company's dealers, factories, call centers, company and/or contracted institution websites,, and other similar channels, through automatic or non-automatic methods, in written, oral, or electronic media.

Who Do We Share Your Personal Data With?


- Our company shares the aforementioned personal data only with the consent of the customers or in other cases foreseen in Article 5/f.2 of the KVKK, mainly the legislation to which we are subject, provided that adequate measures are taken within the framework of security and confidentiality principles specified in the KVKK, for the purposes of conducting Company activities, offering services, opportunities, and facilities to our customers, and improving service quality; it may be shared and transferred with Group Companies with which the Company has a legal or organic relationship, direct/indirect domestic/foreign affiliates, institutions we are contracted with due to our activities, suppliers, contracted vendors, business partners, technology service providers, audit companies, or public institutions or organizations authorized to request this data due to a legal obligation.


What Are Your Rights?


- It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Therefore, please inform us if there is any change in your personal data. Otherwise, we would like to inform you that we will not be responsible for any inaccuracies in the data we hold in our systems. Subject to the exceptions provided in Article 28 titled "Exceptions" of the KVKK, your rights under Article 11 of the Law are;


By applying to our company, you have the right to request information regarding your personal data, specifically:

a) to learn whether your personal data has been processed,

b) if your personal data has been processed, to request information regarding these processes,

c) to learn the purpose of the processing of your personal data and whether they are used appropriately for their purpose, ç) to know the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred within or outside the country,

d) to request the rectification of incomplete or inaccurate data,

e) to request the deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,

f) to request that the operations carried out in accordance with the above-mentioned items (d) and (e) be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

g) to object to any result against you due to the analysis of your personal data exclusively through automated systems, and ğ) to demand compensation for damages in case of a loss due to the unlawful processing of your personal data.

-You must submit your requests and applications related to your rights within the scope of the Law in writing, using the application form available through the "Application Form" link on our website,

You can submit your application to us using one of the following channels:

a) You can apply in person to our Company at the address "Balçık neighborhood 3274.street no:17/1 Gebze/Kocaeli" with the application form and documents confirming your identity,

b) You can send the application form to our Company through a notary,

c) You can send the application form, signed with your secure electronic or mobile signature, to our Company's email address,

d) You can send the application form via the email address that you have previously reported to our Company and is registered in our systems, to

e) You can apply to us through other methods specified in the Law and relevant legislation by conducting identity verification and confirmation processes, or you can carry out your application through another method reported/informed by the Board.

Users/Data Sharers agree, declare, and undertake irrevocably that they have read the Information Text on the Processing of Personal Data and the Personal Data Protection Policy located on our Company's website or physical environments before carrying out any transaction under the Personal Data Protection Law, and that they will comply with all matters specified in these texts. They also acknowledge that all electronic/physical environments and computer/archive records of the Company, including the content provided on the website or physically, will be considered conclusive evidence according to Article 193 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

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